H-INET 5th International Spring Conference – SAVE THE DATE – 15.3.2022

H-INET 5th International Spring Conference – SAVE THE DATE – 15.3.2022

Online H-INET International Spring Conference
15 March 2022

(12:30 – 20:00)

The Evolving Landscape of Language Teaching and Learning:
Issues, Goals, and Competences

To submit your Abstract CLICK HERE!**

Deadline for Abstract Submission extended to February 10, 2022

Keynote Speakers:

Prof. Enrica Piccardo, University of Toronto, Canada  

Dr. Tali Berglas-Shapiro, Head of Professional Learning Community R&D at MOFET International, Israel

Workshop on Writing Assessment:

Dr. Orna Harel-Ferenz, Bar-Ilan University, Israel

(Follow up to H-INET Study Day guest lecture by Prof. Paul Matsuda, Arizona State University, on Feb 2, 2022)

Roundtable Discussion on Mediation:

H-INET and Prof. Enrica Piccardo, University of Toronto, Canada

We invite teachers and researchers in the field, both in Israel and internationally, to submit proposals for presentations addressing any of the topics listed below:

  • Coping with change in language teaching and learning
  • Curricular initiatives
  • English-Medium Instruction (EMI)
  • Global competences and global citizenship
  • Interdisciplinary approaches in language teaching and learning
  • Language policy (inclusion and diversity, coexistence, internationalization)
  • Leadership and management (including crisis management)
  • Linguistic landscape
  • Ongoing professional development
  • Online and face-to-face teaching
  • Positive language education (affect, motivation, engagement)
  • Reform in language teaching and learning
  • Teacher and learner wellbeing (agency, empowerment, setting personal and professional goals, objectives and boundaries)
  • Teacher training (identity development, socio-emotional intelligence, in response to reform)
  • Teaching in uncertain times
  • The CEFR and the CEFR Companion Volume and the action-oriented approach
  • Unpacking Mediation and Interaction
  • Virtual Exchange

Types of sessions:

  • Presentations (15 minutes)
  • Roundtable Discussions (30 minutes)
  • Lightning Round Talks (5 minutes)
  • Workshops (30 minutes) 

Please keep the title of your presentation to a maximum of 10 words; the abstract is limited to 250 words. 

For technical difficulties, please contact: debbie.wcess@gmail.com

Conference Theme:

In the face of unprecedented health, environmental and resource challenges to our ecosystem, sustainable development in all areas has become a driving global concern –and one from which language teaching and learning are not exempt. From an ecological perspective, language is much more than a rule-governed system; it is a form of patterned behavior arising from basic needs of human sociality: communication, culture, and community. In this sense, language instruction, when seen within a broader human context, may be perceived as a form of intercultural dialogue extending beyond linguistic proficiency and interaction to encompass the interrelations between different life domains as well as the interplay between social and psychological factors. 

Without doubt, our experience of the last two years has been an exercise in survival in response to evolutionary pressures, both from personal and professional standpoints. The sudden onset of the pandemic forced us to cope with dramatic changes in language teaching pedagogies and learning modalities, while in the midst of implementing the English for Purposes of International Communication (EPIC) reform. Likewise, our institutions’ administrations were thrust into making harried adjustments and purchasing expensive technological equipment to enable remote teaching and learning. National circumstances also became exacerbated. Yet everyone was expected to manage –nay, excel– and manage and excel we did. But at what cost to our personal and professional wellbeing? 

Clearly, the effects of these far-reaching changes will have profound implications for the future of the academic ecosystem. The nature of our craft has been radically altered. Expectations have changed. Relationships, especially among different tiers within institutions, are no longer the same. In this evolving landscape for higher education, and for language teaching and learning in particular, H-INET seeks to address these important issues, set new goals, and reexamine teacher competences, as we continue to prepare, plan, and execute the English EPIC/EMI reform. 

Please fill out this form to register now!