Interaction – Written

Interaction – Written

Overall written interactionThis concerns interactive communication through the medium of script, focusing on interpersonal exchange and the transfer of information.
Advanced 2 (Mitkadamim Bet)Can understand, respond to, and initiate complex engineering-related interactions, check information, and ask about or explain issues with reasonable precision while relating to the ideas of others with attention to register.
Advanced 1 (Mitkadmim Aleph)Can understand, respond to, and initiate semi-structured interactions on straightforward engineering-related matters, check information and ask about or explain issues with reasonable precision while relating to the ideas of others with attention to register.
Basic (Besisi)Can understand, respond to, and initiate brief, structured interactions on popular engineering topics and ask for/provide basic information with attention to register. 
Pre-Basic(Trom Besisi)Can understand, respond to, and initiate very brief and fully structured interactions on popular topics and ask for/provide basic information with attention to register.
CorrespondenceThis includes correspondence in both personal and formal situations and contexts. 
Advanced 2 (Mitkadamim Bet)Can compose complex engineering-related emails to convey and obtain information required for a particular purpose and respond to and comment on the correspondent’s views, while using appropriate structure and conventions, conveying different degrees of urgency, and demonstrating register awareness. 
Advanced 1 (Mitkadmim Aleph)Can compose straightforward engineering-related emails to convey and obtain information required for a particular purpose and respond accurately to the correspondent, while using appropriate structure and conventions, conveying different degrees of urgency, and demonstrating register awareness.
Basic (Besisi)Can compose everyday emails to convey and obtain information required for a particular purpose and respond accurately, according to a provided template.  
Pre-Basic (Trom Besisi)Can compose everyday emails to convey and obtain basic and familiar information for a particular purpose and respond accurately, according to a provided template.

Key concepts operationalized in the scale therefore include the following:

  • type of message: from simple, personal messages, to more in-depth personal and professional correspondence
  • type of language: from formulaic expressions to emotional, clearly expressed, and in an appropriate tone and style
Texting/Messaging (Online interaction)This focuses on conversation and discussion online as a multimodal phenomenon, with an emphasis on how interlocutors communicate online to handle both serious issues and social exchanges in an open-ended way.
Advanced 2 (Mitkadamim Bet)Can understand and respond in real-time to a variety of professional messaging exchanges synchronously (e.g., in Zoom meetings) and asynchronously (e.g., WhatsApp) for a variety of purposes (e.g., discussing a technical feature), with attention to register.
Advanced 1(Mitkadmim Aleph)Can understand and respond to a variety of semi-professional messages synchronously (e.g., in Zoom meetings) and asynchronously (e.g., WhatsApp), for a variety of purposes (e.g., setting up a team meeting), with attention to register.
Basic (Besisi)Can understand and respond to everyday messages synchronously (e.g., in Zoom meetings) and asynchronously (e.g., WhatsApp), for a variety of purposes (e.g., meeting friends) using provided language chunks appropriately and accurately. 
Pre-Basic (Trom Besisi)Can understand and respond to basic everyday messages in a familiar setting synchronously (e.g., in Zoom meetings) and asynchronously (e.g., WhatsApp) for a variety of purposes (e.g., meeting friends) using provided language chunks appropriately and accurately. 

Note: Online communication is always mediated through a machine, which implies that it is unlikely ever to be exactly the same as face-to-face interaction. Some requirements for successful online communication are:

  • the need for more redundancy in messages
  • the need to check that the message has been correctly understood
  • ability to reformulate in order to help comprehension and deal with misunderstandings
  • ability to handle emotional reactions.

Key concepts operationalized in the scale include the following:

  • instances of simultaneous (real-time) and consecutive interaction, the latter allowing time to prepare a draft and/or consult aids
  • participation in sustained interaction with one or more interlocutors
  • composing posts (e.g., a chat response) and contributions for others to respond to
  • reactions to embedded media
  • the ability to include symbols, images and other codes to make the message convey tone, stress and prosody, but also the affective/emotional side