Reading Comprehension
Overall reading comprehensionReading comprehension includes written texts, with categories for reading that are a mixture between reading purpose and reading particular genres with specific functions. | |
Advanced 2 (Mitkadamim Bet) | Can read with a reasonable degree of independence general engineering-related texts that do not rely on field-specific/expert knowledge, utilizing a limited number of reading strategies, and using appropriate reference sources selectively. Has a sufficient active high-frequency general and engineering-related vocabulary. |
Advanced 1 (Mitkadmim Aleph) | Can read with some degree of independence general engineering-related texts that do not rely on field-specific/expert knowledge, utilizing a limited number of reading strategies, using appropriate reference sources selectively. Has a sufficient active high-frequency general and engineering-related vocabulary. |
Basic (Besisi) | Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects related to engineering containing high-frequency engineering vocabulary, comprehending purpose, main points, and some supporting details. |
Pre-Basic (Trom Besisi) | Can understand short, simple popular science texts containing high-frequency vocabulary, including a proportion of shared international vocabulary items. |
Reading for orientation This involves “skimming,” reading quickly in order to judge relevance ,and “scanning,” in order to search for and locate specific information. | |
Advanced 2 (Mitkadamim Bet) | Can scan through engineering-related articles and websites to identify relevance to a stated task and assess whether the information may be of practical use. |
Advanced 1 (Mitkadmim Aleph) | Can scan through general engineering-related texts and websites to identify relevance to a stated task and assess whether the information may be of practical use. |
Basic (Besisi) | Can assess whether a straightforward factual text is on the required topic for the task at hand. Can locate specific information. |
Pre-Basic (Trom Besisi) | Can identify straightforward text types and predict the kind of information they might contain. Can locate specific information. |
Key concepts operationalized in the scale include the following:
- the types of text (from notices, leaflets, etc. to articles and books)
- picking out concrete information from texts that are visual artefacts, rather than prose text
- identifying important information
- scanning prose text for relevance
- speed, mentioned in Advanced 2/B2.
Reading for information and argumentThis involves detailed reading – the careful study of a written text that one has judged to be relevant for a specific purpose at hand. It is often associated with study and professional life. | |
Advanced 2 (Mitkadamim Bet) | Can obtain and synthesize information, approaches, comparisons, processes, recommendations, and points-of-view from one or more authentic engineering-related resources for a specific task. |
Advanced 1 (Mitkadmim Aleph) | Can identify information, approaches, comparisons, processes, recommendations, and points-of-view from one or more general engineering-related resources for a specific task. |
Basic (Besisi) | Can recognize a viewpoint/recommendation/outcome and its basic line of reasoning, including most supporting information in everyday material, such as found on popular science websites. |
Pre-Basic (Trom Besisi) | Can find main points, specific information, and overt opinions in everyday material such as product advertisements/specs, brochures, short news articles, and procedures, provided that the contents are familiar and predictable. Can use figures, names, illustrations, and titles to support understanding the text. |
Key concepts operationalized in the scale include the following:
- types of text, from simple, short, informational material to complex reports and articles
- subjects of text, from familiar everyday subjects of personal interest to those of academic or professional relevance
- depth of understanding, from getting an idea of the content to understanding the finer points and implications
Reading correspondenceThis involves the reading of both personal and formal /work-related correspondence. | |
Advanced 2 (Mitkadamim Bet) | Can understand engineering-related emails and readily grasp the essential meaning in order to take action. |
Advanced 1 (Mitkadmim Aleph) | Can understand standard workplace emails related to general engineering and understand the actions needed. |
Basic (Besisi) | Can understand basic types of standard routine workplace emails on familiar topics. |
Pre-Basic (Trom Besisi) | Can understand very simple personal and formal (formulaic) emails. |
Key concepts operationalized in the scale include the following:
- function and topic of the correspondence (personal issues, to more specialized issues, such as enquiries, orders, letters of confirmation)
- length and complexity/simplicity of the message
- concreteness of information, whether it follows a routine format
- the extent to which language is standard, colloquial, or idiomatic
Reading instructionsThis involves a specialized form of reading a written text for information. | |
Advanced 2 (Mitkadamim Bet) | Can understand lengthy, complex instructions for new equipment, devices, or procedures. |
Advanced 1 (Mitkadmim Aleph) | Can understand general standard instructions for new equipment, devices, or procedures. |
Basic (Besisi) | Can understand clearly written, straightforward instructions for familiar equipment, devices, or procedures. |
Pre-Basic (Trom Besisi) | Can understand clearly written, straightforward instructions for simple procedures, provided they are familiar with the type concerned. |
Key concepts operationalized in the scale include the following:
- topic of instructions, from routine prohibitions on simple notices and simple directions to detailed conditions and complex instructions on something unfamiliar, possibly outside their area of expertise
- degree of contextualization and familiarity
- length, from a few words to detailed and lengthy, complex instructions in continuous text