Spoken Production

Spoken Production

Overall spoken production
Advanced 2 (Mitkadamim Bet)Can present professional information clearly and systematically, highlighting significant points, and providing relevant supporting details to put forth a main argument.
Advanced 1 (Mitkadmim Aleph)Can present semi-professional information clearly and systematically, in a coherent sequence of points to put forth a main idea. 
Basic (Besisi)Can present semi-professional information clearly in a coherent sequence of points to describe and compare products and articulate processes with their outcomes.
Pre-Basic (Trom Besisi)Can present familiar information clearly in a coherent sequence of points to describe a simple product or process.

Overall oral production refers to a learner’s ability to speak fluently and effectively in a language across various contexts, considering the following aspects: 

  1. Fluency: The ability to speak smoothly without hesitation, using natural speech patterns.
  2. Coherence: The capacity to organize thoughts logically, allowing the listener to follow the argument or narrative easily.
  3. Pronunciation: The clarity and accuracy in the pronunciation of words, which affects overall intelligibility.
  4. Vocabulary and Grammar: The range and appropriateness of vocabulary used, as well as the grammatical accuracy in spoken language.
  5. Interaction Skills: The ability to engage in conversations, respond to questions, and adjust speech according to the interlocutor’s responses and needs.
  6. Register and Style: The capability to adapt speech for different audiences and situations, using an appropriate tone and level of formality.

Overall oral production evaluates not just the linguistic correctness but also the effectiveness of verbal communication, ensuring that the speaker can convey their message clearly and engage meaningfully with others.

Professional spoken production This scale involves giving an oral presentation at a public event, in a meeting, seminar or class. Although the talk is clearly prepared, it is not usually read word for word.
Advanced 2 (Mitkadamim Bet)Can give clear, detailed professional presentations, communicating complex information and recommendations, with reference to visual aids.Can depart spontaneously from a prepared text and follow up interesting points and questions raised by members of the audience with reasonable fluency.
Advanced 1 (Mitkadmim Aleph)Can give a straightforward presentation on a semi-professional topic, explaining the main points.Can take follow-up questions and answer appropriately. 
Basic (Besisi)Can report straightforward semi-professional information on a familiar topic, with brief reasons and explanations.Can answer straightforward follow-up questions.
Pre-Basic (Trom Besisi)Can give a short, basic presentation of a familiar topic or provide a simple description of a product or procedure.Can cope with a limited number of straightforward follow-up questions.

Key concepts operationalised in the scale include the following:

  • type of address
  • consideration of the audience and the flexibly to meet the needs of the audience
  • ability to handle follow-up questions