A Guide to Transforming Language Education: Three Core Modules

In the past 3-4 years (since 2021), H-INET and the MOFET Institute have developed three core modules to help educators transform their language pedagogies. These modules have already been field-tested by hundreds of educators in Israel and abroad – across tertiary and secondary schools and school systems.

Module 1. From EAP to EPIC: Bridging the Gap to CEFR-Aligned Teaching
For Language Teachers new to the CEFR
This hybrid learning module will guide in-service language educators who have been teaching English for Academic Purposes (EAP) to transition to CEFR-aligned teaching English for Purposes of International Communication (EPIC). This module helps practitioners implement the new approaches and core values of the CEFR Companion Volume. The key transferable skill in this module is planning a unit of study that meets students’ real-world needs and integrates all four modes of communication – Production, Reception, Interaction and Mediation. This Module has 33 hours of content with flexible delivery modes:

  • Asynchronous  for individuals or small groups;
  • Hybrid asynchronous-synchronous, with minimal synchronous facilitated sessions (online or F2F);
  • Synchronous with complete guidance and facilitation.

Link to an overview of Module 1: From EAP to EPIC

Module 2. EMI: A Self-Paced Guide to English Medium Instruction
Independent study module for lecturers teaching academic content courses in English
This  lean and mean module (4-6 hours) is designed to be challenge-based, focusing on the challenges of teaching an academic course to students whose first language is not English. What are the challenges of teaching academically demanding content to students in a language that is foreign to them? If this is your pain point, then this module provides practical solutions that apply to all academic disciplines. Module 2 also helps administrators identify which content courses could be good candidates for EMI, based on institutional needs, and assess the design of  new EMI courses. This module is designed for all EMI lecturers, regardless of prior EMI experience. Key features include:

  • Flexible Access: Learn anytime, anywhere.
  • Expert Insights: Practical guidance from pioneers in EMI implementation.
  • Challenge-based: Focused content that meets your needs – move directly to the challenges that interests you.

Link to an overview of Module 2: EMI

Module 3. Program Design: A Collaborative Toolkit for Language Program Design
For Heads of Language Departments and Curriculum Leaders
Module 3 is an innovative module designed to ensure that language courses fit together seamlessly to build CEFR-aligned language programs. This unique step-by-step walk-through provides community-authored documentation capabilities that help you and your team to ‘think like an expert designer’ and build your language program right on the platform. 

Hosted on the versatile Notion platform. Module 3 offers:

  • Step-by-Step Guidance: A structured approach to course and syllabus design.
  • Collaborative Workspace: Real-time sharing of documents, resources, and databases.
  • Sustainable Growth: Tools to foster ongoing professional development and community building. Think of  this Module as a digital textbook and a live project management hub, designed to streamline curriculum development and enhance teamwork within educational institutions.

Link to an overview of Module 3: Program Design

Together, these modules represent a comprehensive approach to transforming language education, blending theoretical frameworks with practical tools to support educators at every level!